I am a postdoctoral fellow at École des Ponts (CERMICS), affiliated with the MATHERIALS team at INRIA, under the supervision of Virginie Ehrlacher, Tony Lelièvre, and Julien Reygner. My research is supported by the HighLEAP ERC grant, led by Virginie Ehrlacher.
I completed my PhD at Université Paris-Dauphine under the supervision of Mathieu Lewin, where I was a member of the MDFT ERC grant team. Prior to that, I studied at École Polytechnique and École Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay.
You can contact me at firstname.name@enpc.fr.
I was a teaching assistant at Université Paris-Dauphine. Some personal material for the fourth-year course Analyse numérique: évolution of Gabriel Turinici are available, namely a practical work (.pdf, .ipynb) on the numerical integration of (stiff) ordinary differential equations. Although the material is fairly standard, I did manage to find an example of a differential equation y′ = f(t, y) for a non-Lipschitz dynamics f which nevertheless admits an unique solution, and for which standard numerical schemes fail to converge. Another practical work (.pdf, .ipynb) that deals with numerical integration of stochastic differential equations — with a somewhat long additional exercise that includes a remarkable result from random matrix theory and statistical physics.
For the course Analyse des équations aux dérivées partielles for first year students of Ecole des Ponts, here are some (sketchy) corrections.